据统计,**大约有10%的人是左撇子。 According to statistics, about 10% of people in the world are left-handed. 为了维护左撇子们的权益,1975年8月13日,美国的一群左撇子成立了一个名叫左撇子国际的组织。一年后,该组织举行庆祝活动,并将这一天确定为国际左撇子日(International Left-Handers Day)。 On August 13, 1975, a group of left-handers in the United States established an organization to protect the rights of left-handers. A year later, the organization held a celebration and designated this day as International Left-Handers Day. 今天大连翻译公司来学习关于“左撇子”的冷知识。 1.左撇子不一定更聪明。无论是根据以往的研究,还是从神经学的角度来看,左撇子和右撇子的认知能力总体并没有太大区别。 The left-handed are not necessarily smarter. From both historical research and a neurological point of view, the general cognitive abilities of left-handers and right-handers are not much different. 2.双手可并用也不能说明智商高。2006年的一项研究表明,双手都灵活的人空间认知能力较低,有阅读障碍的可能性较高。 Being able to use both hands may not show high intelligence. People who are ambidextrous appeared to have the lowest spatial cognitive ability and the highest possibility of dyslexia in a 2006 study of 255,100 samples. 3.每10个人中可能就有一个左撇子。**平均有10%-12%的人喜欢用左手。在中国,左撇子人数估计**过8000万。 Out of every 10 people, there could already be a left-handed person. On average, 10 to 12 percent of the global population prefer to use their left hand. In China, the estimated number of such people stands at over 80 million. 4.强行纠正左撇子可能会对大脑造成不可逆转的损害。相当多的人在经过矫正后会患上口吃、诵读困难或小儿多动症,甚至还会产生难以抹去的心理阴影。 Forcibly correcting left-handed people may cause irreversible damage to the brain. A considerable number of people will suffer from stuttering, dyslexia or pediatric hyperactivity after being corrected, and even more serious cases can involve indelible psychological shadows. 5.眼睛和耳朵等器官也有左撇子。当你拿起电话的时候,会用哪只耳朵接听?据悉,有40%的人习惯用“左耳”,30%的人习惯用“左眼”,20%的人习惯用“左脚”。 Left-handedness appears in other organs. Which ear do you use when you pick up the phone? Apparently, 40 percent of people are "left-eared," 30 percent are "left-eyed," and 20 percent are "left-footed." 6.各行各业都有许多名人是左撇子,其中包括亚里士多德、牛顿、达芬奇、莫扎特、比尔·盖茨和贾斯汀·比伯。 There are many celebrities in every field that are left-handed. They include Aristotle, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, Bill Gates and Justin Bieber.