大连翻译公司对词语gateway门户、关口学习 ~ to/into... a place through which you can go to reach another larger place (通往其他地区的)门户 Perth, the gateway to Western Australia 珀斯—通向西澳大利亚的门户 荷兰是欧洲重要门户,是我这次访问的**站。 The Netherlands is a main gateway to Europe and the first stop of my European trip. 智利是拉美的门户,目前担任拉美太平洋联盟轮值**国,在地区事务中发挥着重要作用。 Chile, as the gateway to Latin America and the current rotating chair of the Pacific Alliance, plays an important role in regional affairs. 伊斯坦布尔曾是古丝绸之路通往欧洲的门户,今天又在中土友谊中发挥着重要的桥梁和纽带作用。 Istanbul was the gateway to Europe for the ancient Silk Road and now plays an important bridging and linking role for China-Turkey friendship. 早在2000多年前,新疆地区就是*文明向西开放的门户,是东西方文明交流传播的重地。 More than 2,000 years ago and beyond, Xinjiang was a gateway for China’s civilization to open to the West and an important base for cultural exchange and communication between the East and the West. 比如,新疆是丝绸之路经济带“核心区域”,云南是“一带一路”向西南开放的“桥头堡”。 For instance, Xinjiang is a core area of the Silk Road economic belt and Yunnan is a gateway to the southwest under the "Belt and Road" Initiative.