“春风得意”,意思是和暖的春风很适合人的心意,后形容人处境顺利,做事如意,事业有成。可以翻译为“ride on the crest of success,ride high或be flushed with success”。 大连翻译公司例句: 他的团队正春风得意。 His team is riding high. 自从他得了那个奖后一直春风得意。 He's been sitting pretty since he got that prize. “先来后到”,汉语成语,按照来到的先后而确定次序,可以翻译为“in order of arrival”。与英文惯用语“first come, first served”意思相近,表示“the first people present will be the first to receive something”。 大连翻译公司例句: 该系统注册完全依照先来后到的顺序运作。 The registration system was entirely first come, first served. 买票应该有个先来后到。 The tickets should be bought on a first come, first served basis. 应聘者将按先来后到接受面试。 The applicants will be interviewed in order of arrival. “拾金不昧”,汉语成语,“昧”指“隐藏(hide away)”,意思是“拾到东西并不隐瞒下来据为己有”,是一种良好的道德和社会风尚。可以翻译为“not pocket the money one picks up”。 大连翻译公司例句: 在这个国家,法律规定,拾金不昧、物归原主者应得到相当于丢失物品部分价值的奖励。 In this country, laws stipulate that whoever finds your lost item and returns it to you must be rewarded a portion of the lost item's value.