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The Old Man and His Three Sons
Feng Xuefeng
An old man had three sons. The eldest was an extraordinary sailor—tough, brave, dutiful and adventurous. The old man loved him indeed, thinking he was the kind of son for a father to be proud of. But caught in a tempest on the sea, this tough and brave son of his was engulfed in the stormy waves.
His second son was a strong coal miner, stronger than the other miners. No hard work could ever fatigue him. Besides, he was honest and trustworthy, willing to help others. Therefore, his fellow miners, especially the young ones, sought for his friendship and took pleasure in being friends with him. His father cherished him as a godsend—a great compensation for the loss of his eldest son. But unfortunately, he also lost his life in a brave act of self-sacrifice. One day, when he was working down the pit, the props, damaged, gave way and the pit caved in. he grasped one prop that was about to fall and held fast to it. Many of the miners got out of danger, but he was crushed in the pit.
There were no words to describe how grieved the old man was. Soon he became weak and flabby. However, he had another son—the youngest one—to fall back on. This time he changed his mind. He did not encourage him to become a hero, because he could no longer stand the poignancy of losing his last child. He sighed, “I would rather he be a mediocrity than a talented person losing his life.” He set about educating him in such a way that even old women would not adopt in educating their granddaughters. And this son of his turned out to be very obedient—he didn’t let him down. In other words, he became a weak, selfish and worthless person. It was not until then that the old man found himself a sad and most unfortunate man he had never been before. He was full of remorse for the mistake he had made. He said in a tone filled with anger and pity for his son, “This is what is called good-for-nothing. He has now become the very kind of person I dislike. I am to blame though, for I’ve made him like this with my own doing. Ah, I wonder if life has any meaning to such a creature, though he is not drowned in the sea, nor buried in the pit.
The old man could not bring himself to love his son any more, for he could only love stormy seas, lofty mountains and heroic people like his first two sons. Being a father, he was now suffering from a broken heart—a punishment brought on himself for ruining his youngest son as a result of his own mistake.
At the age of 14, one Sunday morning, I was woken up by a resounding hymn. Tracing that call of God into a neighbouring church, I found myself inexorably attracted by the melody of a piano—something beyond the means of my parents. To make it worse, people say a pianist is supposed to have music in the blood, but I believe I had none from my engineer father and technician mother. For days on end, I kept thinking of nothing else. I had a dream.
It wasn't a dream after gold, which enticed some of my close friends to engage in business as a self-employed trader or a street pedlar. I was sometimes dazzled by their gold rings or elegant necklaces behind which, however, I seemed to catch sight of skeletons in their cupboards and was frightened away from the craze for fortune. Out of despair, I retreated into seclusion, diffidence weighing heavy on me. I could do nothing but turn to my dream for comfort, for courage to aim high and wish for the impossible. I was convinced that before I could afford anything expensive(to me, it was a piano), I should climb up the academic ladder as high as possible.
For the next nine years I carefully smothered my hazy aspiration for music to keep aflame my quest for learning, especially in English studies. My efforts were so rewarding that I went successfully through high school and college in my hometown. When I received the admission notice for a second degree course at a prestigious university in Beijing, the national capital, tears welled up in my eyes. I knew my command of English was my asset, for I might make a deal with a pianist who would give me across to his piano in exchange for English lessons.
And that has come true!
To this day whenever I lay my fingers on the snowwhite keyboard, ready for a melody, I still feel shy. I am quite aware of my limited music talent, but as a shy dreamer I have found my way to success—making every effort to turn a dream into reality.
