大连翻译公司分享经典词语afresh重新开始 again, especially from the beginning or with new ideas 从头;重新;另行 It was a chance to start afresh . 这是个重新开始的机会。 They believe that the only hope for the French left is to start afresh. 他们认为留下来的法国人的惟一希望是重新开始。 以下是大连翻译公司经典例句! 一种观点认为,要关起门来,另起炉灶,彻底摆脱对外国技术的依赖,靠自主创新谋发展,否则总跟在别人后面跑,永远追不上。 One view holds that we should close our doors and start afresh, totally freeing ourselves of reliance on foreign technology and developing through our own innovation; otherwise, we will always trail behind other countries and never catch up. 这种转变是不容易的,需要重新学习。 It will not be easy to make these changes and we shall have to learn afresh. 党的组织不但重新发展了,而且得到了巩固。 The Party organization not only grew afresh but also became consolidated. 吾人实应深感惭愧,而加强警惕,重新检讨过去之错误。” We ought to feel deeply ashamed, sharpen our vigilance and examine afresh our past mistakes. Thinking afresh is the easier bit. 重新审视相对比较*。