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IAD: Immigration Appeal Division (of IRB) **上诉部门

ICCRC: The Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council 加拿大**顾问监督**

ICT: Intra-Company Transferees 跨国企业内部派遣类签证

ID: Immigration Division (of IRB) IRB**部

IEC:International Experience Canada 加拿大国际经验类

IRCC:Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada 加拿大**局

IP:In Process 正在处理中

IRB:Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada 加拿大**及难民**

IRPA:Immigration and Refugee Protection Act **与难民保护法

IRPR:Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations **与难民保护条例

ITA:Invitation to Apply 邀请信

JAL:Job Approval Letter 工作批准信

LICO:Low-income cut-off 低收入临界值

LINC:Language Instruction for New Comers to Canada 加拿大新**语言课程

LMIA:Labor Market Impact Assessment 劳动力市场影响评估

LP:Landing Paper 登陆纸

ME:Medical Exam 体检通知

MER: medical examination result 体检结果

MIDI: Ministère de l'immigration, diversité et inclusion魁北克**局

MSP:Medical Service Plan 医保卡(BC省)

NER:Negative Eligibility Review 没通过资格审查

NOC:National Occupational Classification 加拿大职业分类

OWP:Open Work Permit 开放式工签

PER:Positive Eligibility Review 已通过资格审查

PEQ:Quebec Experience Program 魁省经验类**

PFL:Procedural Fairness Letter 程序公平信

PGP:Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship 父母、祖父母担保**项目

PGWP: Post graduation Work Permit 毕业后工签

PNP: Provincial Nominee Program 省提名计划

POE:Port of Entry 入境处

PPR:Passport Request Letter 寄护照信

PR:Permanent Resident *居民

PRC:Permanent Resident Card *居民卡 (枫叶卡)

PRRA:Pre-Removal Risk Assessment 遣返前风险评估

RCMP:Royal Canadian Mounted Police 加拿大**骑警

RCIC:Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant 加拿大持牌**顾问

RNIP:Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot 农村和北部地区**试点项目

RPD: Refugee Protection Division (of IRB) 难民保护处

SC:Service Canada 加拿大服务部

SCC:Supreme Court of Canada 加拿大较高法院

SI:Skills Immigration 技术**

SIN:Social Insurance Number 社保号

SINP:Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program萨省省提名**项目

SOWP: Spouse Open Work Permit 配偶开放式工签

SP:Study Permit 学习许可证(学签)

SIRS:Skills Immigration Registration System BC省技术**注册系统

TRV:Temporary Residence Visa临时居留签证

UCI:Unique Client Identifier申请人编号

UNHCR:United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees 联合国难民署

VO:Visa Officer 签证官

WP:Work Permit 工作许可证(工签)
